Grand Uysal Beach & Spa , which has a respected and reliable position with its activities and performance, aims to create a business environment that respects human rights within the framework of sustainable tourism understanding and to increase the consciousness and awareness of its employees, customers and stakeholders by spreading this understanding.
Grand Uysal Beach & Spa makes its best efforts to fulfill the requirements of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Turkey is a party, as well as the basic principles of the International Labor Organization and international conventions to which our country is a party, as well as the Labor Law.
Grand Uysal Beach & Spa staff treat each other and their guests with respect to human rights and in accordance with the ethical principles of Grand Uysal Beach & Spa , such as language, religion, race, gender, philosophical belief, sect, etc. It is obliged to carry out these relations within the framework of the principles of honesty, trust, impartiality and transparency without making any discrimination based on reasons, and to maintain the said relations in a way that does not disturb the working environment and away from the behaviors that will be perceived as ill-treatment.
Hotel managers are obliged to take the necessary measures to prevent all kinds of ill-treatment, discrimination or harassment and to notify the Human Resources department when suspected. Such complaints are not used against the complainant and the situation is seriously examined and concluded. Our management, discrimination, harassment, etc. If it detects the existence of ill-treatment, it is responsible for applying the necessary administrative sanctions against the responsible persons.
Grand Uysal Beach & Spa avoids all kinds of practices that may lead to unfair competition in personnel employment. In accordance with the Labor Law and the provisions of the relevant legislation, there is a contract and freedom of movement in personnel employment, but care is taken to ensure that personnel recruitment is in line with operational needs.
In accordance with the Human Rights Policy, Grand Uysal Beach & Spa does not finance the activities and/or projects of persons and organizations that are understood to employ child labor and engage in acts contrary to Human Rights, which are prohibited and restricted by national legislation and international conventions to which Turkey is a party.
Grand Uysal Beach & Spa personnel work in accordance with the provisions of private law and are employed in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Law No. 4857. Our company respects the constitutional right of unionization and collective bargaining. In addition to taking the necessary measures within the framework of legal regulations on Occupational Health and Safety, it is ensured that the personnel receive training every year.
The wishes and complaints of the employees of our hotel about working conditions, personal rights, duties and responsibilities are conveyed to the employer and followed up through the Human Resources department. Grand Uysal Beach & Spa does not discriminate between the candidates, except for the competency criteria, both in the provision of services and in the appointment and promotion processes of the personnel.
Grand Uysal Beach & Spa is against forced and compulsory labor and expects this approach from its customers within the framework of its declarations and various policies on human rights.